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I’m Nervous About My Tooth Extraction: What Can I Expect?

I’m Nervous About My Tooth Extraction: What Can I Expect?

If the idea of a tooth extraction leaves you shaking in your boots, take a deep breath because you’re in excellent hands with Dr. Daniel Park at Beaumont Cherry Valley Dental.

People often associate dental procedures with horror stories they heard at some point in time or saw in movies or television. 

However, modern dentistry enables experts like Dr. Park to remove teeth while keeping their patients comfortable throughout the entire process.

Do you need a tooth removed? Here’s what you can expect when you work with Dr. Park.

Tooth removal basics

There are several reasons Dr. Park could recommend a tooth extraction and it can occur at any age.

Common reasons for tooth extraction include:

Dr. Park uses a variety of methods to extract a tooth, depending on the site.

For instance, when a tooth is visible, Dr. Park can often use special instruments to gently loosen it and lift it out. This is a “simple” extraction.

When a tooth is badly decayed, broken at or impacted underneath the gum line, Dr. Park might make a small incision in the area to access the tooth.

If your tooth extraction requires an incision, it’s considered a “surgical” extraction.

After removing the tooth, Dr. Park cleans and disinfects the area. If he makes an incision, he places a few stitches to support the healing process.

What to expect during your appointment

The most important thing to know about tooth extraction is you shouldn’t feel pain. That’s because Dr. Park administers numbing agents to the treatment area. 

Dr. Park also offers sedation during tooth extractions, ranging from nitrous oxide (more commonly known as “laughing gas”) to oral conscious or intravenous sedation.

The level of sedation varies from person to person depending on the:

Once you receive your anesthesia and sedation, Dr. Park moves forward with removing the tooth with a simple or surgical extraction.

It can take anywhere from a few minutes to over an hour to extract a tooth.

What to expect after your appointment

While you may not have any discomfort during your tooth extraction, it’s normal to have some pain afterward. Fortunately, most people typically feel normal again within a few days.

In most cases, Dr. Park recommends resting for a few days. However, you can usually resume regular activities within 48-72 hours.

After your extraction, Dr. Park also provides detailed care instructions to ensure a speedy recovery, such as:

When you follow these simple steps, you’ll feel like yourself again in no time. However, it can still take your jawbone several weeks to heal completely.

Do you need a tooth removed? Dr. Park can guide you through the process so you know what to expect every step of the way.

Contact Beaumont Cherry Valley Dental by phone or online to schedule a consultation with Daniel Park, DDS, Beaumont, California, today.

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